Saturday, August 1, 2009

Change Your Life For The Better With Mental Fitness Training!


What is Mental Fitness Training?

Mental fitness training is a dynamic brain exercise approach that converts your mental functions – such as your senses, your ability to think, your emotions, and your attention – into mental workout tools that reshape your physical brain to give you more mental power. Because the human brain behaves in many aspects like physical muscle, dynamic mental fitness routines serve to sculpt your brain into the necessary shape to do more than it ever could before. For you, that means far better personal performance, endurance, flexibility, and creativity in anything you set your mind to accomplish.

Training your brain with dynamic mental fitness exercise stratagems (as opposed to static, such as with schoolwork) rewires hundreds of millions of neurons over time, allowing you to determine in advance the specific behaviors, thought patterns, and positive emotional tendencies that best support your long-term goals, and lay down the mental tracks necessary to move you forward at best speed.

What Can Mental Fitness Training Do For Me?

Whether you are a business owner, professional, student, senior citizen, athlete, or serving in the military, mental fitness training can put you on the fast track to your goals while it enables a better ‘you’ overall. Lots of people want to enjoy self-discipline, get better grades, be more creative, have top evaluations for career advancement, lose bad habits, earn lots of money, live with deeper joy, act congruently with spiritual beliefs, or become the kind of person who easily attracts better relationships. The problem is most people don’t possess a mind that’s potent enough to make it happen in all areas consistently – and that’s if they’re able to get even one or two things they’re looking for in life! Then there are those of us who are blessed in one area but suffer in others to where we’re just not satisfied. All of this has at its root a fundamental obstacle, which is the mind is the source of your life experience. To get a better life experience, you have to go to the source! Dynamic mental fitness training takes you there and puts you in charge.

By making mental fitness into a personal lifestyle the way you would any healthy habit, you will enjoy astonishing benefits that can positively impact all areas. Rapidly expanding cognitive control skills that come from dynamic brain training gives you finely-tuned command over what you think, what you feel, and even how you behave in any situation. When you have ultimate command over your thoughts, emotions, and actions, you can set your life goals with confidence, knowing that you will move forward a straight line to achieve them without being pulled off course by distracted thinking, negative feelings, or self-sabotaging behaviors. The biggest thing that differentiates dynamic brain training from others is that it physically prepares your mind to help you get more from life! Just imagine for a moment what it would be like for you to get what you want without struggling so much, simply by taking a little time each day to enjoy time with yourself.

Why Dynamic Mental Fitness Training Approaches Are Better Than Game-Based Puzzles

Mental Fitness Training is a dynamic brain training approach far superior to limited brain training methods that typically force you to waste your time playing with puzzles and brain teasers. Rather than blowing hour after hour on crosswords and word searches, dynamically designed mental fitness routines use your brain’s own functions as the gymnasium for building a stronger mental physique. The best game-based training software can do for you is hopefully make you gradually better at playing games before you get bored and quit, a process that accesses your ‘Crystallized’ intelligence similar to how practicing a specific golf stroke increases your proficiency with the swing itself, without enhancing your daily life in any measurable way.

Even the Washington Post in August 2008 warned against throwing money away on game-based tactics because of glaring industry controversies surrounding pseudo-scientific research studies used by companies to market ‘brain-game’ products. Many of these have recently come under heavy fire from members of the Neuroscience community interested in protecting the integrity of their profession. Current press releases detail several false claims by game makers like those by one Japanese Professor behind Nintendo’s brain game misleading consumers into believing such games are a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. The facts are that while a minority of the games may have some entertainment value, the lion’s share of their worth exists mostly in the consumer’s becoming more efficient at playing that particular type of game. Because many people purchase brain training for the express purpose of having more mental and personal power, the best choice is some form of dynamic mental fitness training.

Dynamic mental fitness brain training methods directly access and enhance the ‘Executive Function’ of your brain, which is the center of your personal identity as well as your unique ability to plan for the future, execute your goals, control your thoughts, manage your emotions, and conduct your behavior so that you can have the best life experience. That way, you steadily improve your ‘Fluid Intelligence’ which gives you better problem-solving ability, creative insight, and confidence in handling complex situations with greater confidence, especially as you grow older. Because dynamic mental fitness approaches require you to exert your Executive Function just like you would use your muscles at the gym, they result in drastic improvements of the very ‘muscles’ that make up Executive Function: Mental Concentration, Mental Focus, and Willpower.

Mental Concentration

Mental Concentration is the first brain function trained to give you increased power, endurance, and flexibility of mind. Concentration serves as a working muscle that you exert like any other. The more you train it, the stronger it becomes, and the stronger YOU become, mentally. You can eradicate mental weakness with just this skill alone, making your mind tough and resilient as your thinking grows clear and precise with deeper creativity and intelligence. Bolstering your ability to concentrate your mind makes it a razor-sharp instrument that cuts through distraction like a white-hot laser beam through butter. With newly acquired mental concentration skills, you naturally, easily collect your previously disbursed attention to aim it only at the things that matter. When the full force of your concentration is aimed onto a single target, it is like a diamond-tipped drill backed by heavy-duty equipment, because nothing can withstand its penetration.

Dynamic mental fitness training puts your concentration muscle to work by applying the weights of your other mental functions to forge a sculpted mental physique. As an example, you are trained to concentrate on your thoughts so that you can manage them, but you are also trained to take one single thought and hold it long enough to blow past prior endurance limits, because every baseline limit you surpass equates to significant mental growth, self-confidence, and intellectual competence to handle life circumstances. Concentration gives you power over thought, and THAT gives you more than enough mental power to surpass nearly everyone you know.

Mental Focus

When your mental concentration is sufficiently developed, you will then have the mental aptitude you need to develop a clear, irresistible long-term vision for your life, love, and happiness. As you learn to control what you think, how you feel, and the way you act, you can establish a course in mind with utmost clarity and faith that you will always have the power and skill to think just the right thought and take the right actions to make your vision happen over time. Dynamic mental focus training teaches you to take these mental concentration skills and push them to tap into the deepest levels of your creativity, intuition, and certainty so that when the time comes for you to decide what you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have in your life, those detailed thoughts stay with you at all times, displacing all other thoughts that would otherwise take you off course or prevent you from getting on course in the first place. With clear thinking, unshakable belief in yourself, and the determination to follow through no matter what, there is nothing that can keep you from the success you deserve!


Having trained yourself in dynamic mental concentration and focus, you’ll have many opportunities and situations that require you to dig way down for more energy, more resolve, and greater Willpower to carry through on the promises you make to yourself and others. That vast, endless reservoir of personal power is yours when you master the simple discipline of Willpower. Here, you’ll learn to cast off all influences inside and outside yourself that either conflict or have nothing do with the visions you create for your life. Even better, you’ll learn what it means live a thoroughly unique, independent life free from emotional turmoil and negativity. All these talents you master without having to strain or struggle or control others. Instead, you are trained to see that they are simply talents that have existed inside you all along.

So, you now know why training your brain through dynamic mental fitness approaches can deliver the life you want into your lap. You also know why it’s superior to the limited game-based methods. Plus, you understand why it’s so effective in helping you become a better human being so that you can make a unique contribution to yourself and those around you.

"The single, most fundamental, underlying reason why you haven't experienced the success in life that you want is because you lack the very simply learned skills of Dynamic Mental Concentration, Focus and Willpower."
--T. Lavon Lawrence

To MASTER these skills in less than 30 days and be on your way to accomplishing anything that you want in life just point your browser to

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