Saturday, October 31, 2009

Money For Single Mothers to Help Make Ends Meet

There a lot of single mums out there that need help with financial situations and childcare. Most mothers are single not by choice, often women become single moms due to the other parent abandoning the family, death, imprisonment, and divorce. It can be very tough for these mothers to take care of themselves and their children. There is help and there are programs that provide money for single mothers. Some of the following options are available to all these mothers who need a little help.

There is Money for Single Moms

The United States government spends billions of dollars each year funding programs to help give money to single mothers. The US government also provides grants to help single mothers go back to school and the money does not have to be paid back. The biggest problem right now with some of these programs that offer grants is that they follow a first come first serve basis, which can make it difficult for some people to get the help they need. The government and other associations provide hundreds of programs that give money for mums.

Money for Single Moms to go Back to School

The Pell grant is one of the older programs, which was started in 1962 and is a need-based grant that gives single mothers money to further their education. The Pell grant doesn't only help single mothers to go back to school; it also helps anyone who needs the financial help. There are several other needs-based grants like federal supplemental educational opportunity grant, also known as the FSEOG grant which is not specifically designed to only help single mothers but to help students with further financial support.

Money for Quality Childcare

There are programs administrated by each state and funded through the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The DHHS will provide money for single moms so they can get safe, secure and proper care for their children so that the parent can work or attend school. There is a program called the TANF or temporary assistance for needy families. The TANF will provide money for mums through its multiple state funding. The TANF sponsors job training, childrearing, marriage, and counseling sessions for job preparation. There are different guidelines for each state that have to be followed.

Help with Housing and Rent

There is also another program called the Section 8 voucher program that provides money for single mothers to help them pay their rent. HUD or US housing and urban development is overseen by local state or county agencies and provide money to single mothers for rent or buying a house. There may also be local programs in your area to help you with your housing.

These are just a few programs that will help provide money for single moms. There could be more local area programs in your area that will provide money for single mothers or provide food and shelter. Check online for your local area programs that provide money for single moms. Childcare, school, and help are available for those who need it. All you have to do is the research to find programs that provide money for single mothers.

Pieter West travels the world on a regular basis and have written about numerous subjects. He has an extensive knowledge about, finances, DIY, parenting advice and many more subjects. You can find more of Pieter's articles regarding grants for single mothers at

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Moms Suffer the Worst in a Recession

My Mom was a stay-at-home mom, at first. Yes, I say 'at first', because like many households we had the financial support from my father's income to support the family without her working. She did it all. Made breakfast, got us all dressed in an acceptable fashion (including dad), and off to school and work every morning. While we were gone mom cleaned the house, the yard, shopped for meals, clothing and household needs. Mom was the neighborhood liaison with all the neighbors. I don't think my dad even knew their names.

She stayed in touch with grand parents, aunts and uncles, friends and relatives on both sides of the family. She attended parents meetings at our schools, participated in school and community activities, and was active in at least two church functions each week. Upon our arrival home from school and my dad from work, we found our HOME had been cleaned and all things attended to while we were gone. Mom was still going: time for dinner, listening to each of our issues, assisting with homework, getting us all off to bed on time, then a little time with my dad to discuss his day, family issues, finances, etc. Pretty full job for anyone, Agreed?

Okay, now lets add a recession to the national economy just for fun. Unlike the State and Federal governments, as families we can't just print more money or raise taxes; we each have to cut back our spending to make ends meet. Fewer afterschool programs, sports events, dinners out, new clothes, vacations are definitely cancelled, car pooling and all around uncomfortable conditions for the whole family. Maybe dad's job is beginning to look insecure. How about our health insurance? Our second car and the boat?

As money becomes tighter and tighter Moms go back to work: a second job. Moms' work day isn't over a 5pm and she doesn't get weekends or holidays off. For those Moms that have been out of the out-of-home workforce for many years, they begin at the bottom of the pay scale, have no tenure, no retirement, and are probably a little behind the times in current technology, business dress and HR issues.So... now we have Mom working all day at her JOB... and most of the night at her HOME. Moms,God bless every one of them, will work like a rented mule for their families. Day and nite.The economy will correct itself, eventually, the family budget will probably be saved, but Mom? The family budget will NEVER survive again without Moms' second job. She has taken on a second job for the rest of her productive adult life. Sounds kinda permanent doesn't it? That's because IT IS!

Those extra dollars that Mom has been bringing to the family budget from her second job will be needed even more as children prepare for college,trade schools, weddings, adding or replacing family vehicles, home repairs, insurance, medical bills, etc.

40% of American families say that just an additional $500/month would dramatically improve their financial situation!
77% of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck.
62% of Americans will face retirement age with less than a $10,000 yearly income!

2008 sales in network marketing was $100 billion

Can you be a stay-at-home Mom and make $5000 a month? YES.
Can you manage your home based business on YOUR schedule? YES.
Can you start your home based business with minimal expense? YES.
Can you manage your business from a computer? YES.
Can you have your live back again? YES.
Can you have dreams again? YES.
You can even afford a vacation...without sleeping in the car!


Good communicators, organized, multi-tasking, financial managers, socially connected, time managers,great networkers,can clean up messes, make Boo Boos better and give a hug when needed. Moms Rock!

God Bless you Mom.

Adam Bossen is a veteran network marketer. Adam is a Management Consultant of the Magnetic Sponsoring program. His blog and FREE weekly newsletters are always packed with great income producing tips, business shortcuts and ideas. GO TO:

Learn how to sponsor Reps:

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Mom Knew How to Work Within a Budget

Most pre-boomers remember how mothers put money away to take care of normal expenses as well as save for vacations, Christmas and "rainy days." This taught us how to use our paychecks when we entered the workforce and throughout our lives.

My mother had a red metal box, which was locked and kept in the back of a closet. She brought this out each week and sat down at the kitchen table after depositing my father's check at the bank. There were a dozen little copper boxes inside the master container with a slot in the top so money could easily be slid in or the master key could be used to open the individual boxes. Each of these was labeled: mortgage, groceries, insurance, car, utilities, washer, clothes, etc. There were no credit cards back then, although the major department stores had revolving credit accounts and some local merchants allowed customers to charge their purchases. So, cash was the medium of exchange.

The mortgage was paid monthly at the local Building & Loan. The car was paid for when we bought it, but mom put money away and deposited it in the bank once a month so the money was there when it came time to buy another car. The same was true with the washing machine and clothes. Utilities and health insurance was paid by mail with a money order purchased at the corner drug store. Life insurance was collected by a man who came to the house once a week, at which time he made a notation that we paid in the big ledger he carried from house to house. We didn't have everything, but I never heard my folks complain about owing more than they could afford.

In the early '50s the first credit cards became available through Diner's, at first for use at select restaurants. By the end of the decade the concept of nationwide credit was expanding. American Express made a strong entry into the market and held its position through the '60s. This card was promoted as a convenience for businessmen who did not want to carry a lot of cash with them. The balance had to be paid off each month, much like mom used to do with her budget box. In the early '70s, MasterCard and Visa came on the scene and offered monthly interest bearing payment terms. This started the consumer credit explosion, certainly something our moms never envisioned.

Today, credit card debt is strangling many American families who can't payoff their balances because the interest on the unpaid balance is so high. What was once a convenience has turned out to be a curse.

Maybe it's time to go back to the idea of not buying something if we don't have the money already earmarked for the purchase and pay it and all other bills off each month. We need to revisit this basic budget principle and teach our grown and grandkids the importance managing their money - just like mom used to do.

Don Potter, a Philadelphia native, was born in 1936 and is a 50 year veteran of the advertising agency business. Now living in Los Angeles, he has written two novels in retirement, frequently writes on marketing issues, and has a blog dedicated to pre-boomers (those born between 1930 and 1945).

Read more articles for and about pre-boomers with thoughts, comments and opinions designed to spark thinking, foster discussion, and stimulate debate by logging on to

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Building Your Stay at Home Mom Business on a Budget

Just starting out with internet business? Do you lack the capitol to stand a chance in striking a deal established JV partners? Don't have the funds needed for PPC campaigns? There are ways to build your Small Business Ideas.

Read up as I discuss 5 free but highly effective techniques you can use to market your Stay At Home Moms Business in the World Wide Web.

1. Article marketing. Come up with an article relevant to the topic of your online undertaking. See to it that this article conveys something valuable. Enroll the article to the main article banks on the internet. Include a resource box, which should mention informative facts about yourself or your enterprise, as well as the link to your website. accomplish this at least three times per week. In a short period of time, you will receive direct traffic courtesy of the people who got interested about your articles, as well as indirect traffic as a result of a higher SERP position for relevant queries gained via the hundreds back links you are most definite to garner per article.

2. Exchanging links. This is much akin to you scratching another persons back, and him doing the same for you. Other online marketers are also looking for advertising mileage for their businesses. hook up with them by ensuring to include their link on your web pages if they will do the same.

3. Press release distribution. Countless real world and virtual world publications are always looking for noteworthy items to use. They read news wires for such pieces. You can craft a hype-free, news worthy news item about your online undertaking. You may state the launch of your business, minus self serving words of praise, most definitely. You may announce the launch of your Stay At Home Moms Business . You may announce the launch of a new product, without any form of a sales pitch. Craft a press release, and enroll the same to online news wires, and in just a few hours, offline and virtual world publications will be picking it up, generating fantastic traffic to your web pages.

4. Exploit the power of user-driven websites. The beauty of Web 2.0 websites is that the users themselves have the power to chart the course of particular online trends. You can use this to your advantage by specifically targeting social news networks, social networking websites, and social bookmarking services and converting them into powerful vehicles for your marketing adventures. Without a doubt, Web 2.0 websites are free to use and abuse.

5. Search engine optimization. Eight out of ten visitors that you will be able to generate for your website will be referred by the search engines. And search engine traffic won't cost you a single cent, if you can optimize your web pages to attract the attention of those search engine spiders and those who are looking for a Stay At Home Moms Business.

Stephen Meyer is an experienced home based business owner who offers many Internet marketing opportunities. His services include Website SEO, Link Building and Online Training. You can see his opportunities at his Small Successful Business Ideas opportunity site. Also visit his List Of Small Business Ideas blog for more business building information.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Living On a Tight Budget As a Stay at Home Mom

Having a tight budget is hard, even when it's a choice you made when you decided to be a stay at home mom. Few families find it financially easy to go to that single income, but it's a choice many families make.

Managing your finances well is one of the big keys to coping with a tight budget. You have to be very aware of where your money is going - a good habit even if your budget isn't all that tight.

A very popular way to cope with money issues is to use envelopes, and pay cash for as many things as possible. While rent/mortgage and other bills may need to be paid by check, grocery shopping and other things may be better off paid in cash. This money is generally separated into an envelope for each purpose.

Paying in cash accomplishes a couple things. First of all, if you have cash, you can't go over budget. You become very aware of how much money you are carrying. Second, it makes the money more real to a lot of people. Paying by check or credit card, it's easy to ignore what you've just spent. With cash, you KNOW.

So how do you decide how much goes into the envelopes?

First you need to figure out all the bills. That's rent/mortgage, utilities, insurance, credit card or other debt payments, etc. Subtract this amount from your available income.

Now start figuring out how much money you need for each envelope. You should have envelopes for groceries, gas for the car(s), eating out, medical, or whatever your particular needs are. This will vary from family to family of course, and depends on your needs.

Yes, if you are going to do fun things like eat out, you should budget for it. Don't let those little extras completely ruin your budget. If everything has been planned out, then you decide to do something that wasn't budgeted, you can ruin your careful planning. It's much better to admit that you will do some fun things and figure out what you can spend on that.

It may take a bit of time to properly balance your envelopes so that you aren't struggling to keep your spending within what you put in each. It will also be necessary to regularly review what should go into each. Just think of how much gas prices have changed in recent years!

One way to figure out how much money you need for everything is to review what you have been spending. If, like most people, you don't have receipts for everything you've bought for at least the past 1-2 months, take a month and track your spending, every penny of it. Don't try to limit it more than you are planning on doing once you're using the envelopes. You need a realistic estimate.

Some envelopes should be preplanning envelopes. Just think about the various budget-breakers that come up all too often, such as medical bills and car repairs. If you're setting aside a little bit for them, they make less of an impact when they happen. If you get good at this type of budgeting, you gain a lot of control over your money issues. It's really amazing what being aware of exactly where your money is going can do for you.

Stephanie Foster runs to give stay at home moms more resources. You can find more tips on saving money at her site.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mom's Review Of Wealthy Affiliate

Michelle Kelly

Affiliate marketing is an incredible way of making money online and can be achieved by anyone with a computer and an internet connection. Affiliate marketing is a very real opportunity that allows for one to work a few hours on their computer by researching and publishing relevant information on the internet and then earn great money from links to products and services that are offered by merchants in many industries.

Learning to become an effective affiliate marketer is a task that you should certainly undertake before investing a lot of your financial resources. What is the best resource for learning affiliate marketing? Other affiliate marketers. The ones who have already been where you are and have already gone through the steps you are going through. Learning what they do and how they do it is very important.

Whether you are a beginner just starting out in affiliate marketing, an intermediate internet marketer needing some help with Google Adwords, or an advanced internet marketer wanting to become a “super affiliate”, Wealthy Affiliate can help you get to the next level. Wealthy Affiliate is a private membership website that will show you how you can make money by promoting products on the internet in a variety of ways. One of the great things about Wealthy Affiliate is their informative online tutorials and videos are extremely easy to understand.

The Wealthy Affiliate Forum is, in my opinion, priceless. Probably the most incredible thing about Wealthy Affiliate is the personal support you can get from the founders of the site, Carson and Kyle, and other Wealthy Affiliate members. Some are earning $1000’s a day and share their tips with the other members. If you are looking for personal coaching and support, Wealthy Affiliate is most definitely at the top of the list. The members all make learning affiliate marketing fun, easy, and very rewarding.

After joining, members have access to all of the learning resources, which are organized in areas of Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Each section has tutorials, tasks and courses for members to follow in order to learn to become a successful affiliate marketer. They also provide templates for members to use when making landing pages.

By learning the steps it takes to simplify and organize your marketing efforts you can save time and energy, earn more income, decrease stress, improve your performance, and get more results in less time. However, learning to be a successful affiliate marketer can sometimes be a huge challenge to many people. If you really want to become a successful affiliate marketer, you must see such set backs as essential and natural learning points. The members of Wealthy Affiliate have either gone through what you are going through, or are still learning themselves. They are all very supportive.

Remember, the biggest secret to success online is taking action. Affiliate Marketing is truly a profitable home business for anyone who spends the time necessary to get started and can do successfully, if they know how.

I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone wanting to learn affiliate marketing or wanting to advance their skills.

To learn more on how this average mom is becoming successful through affiliate marketing, visit her blog Wahm Affiliate.

Article Source:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Learn How to Relax Yourself Guide For Super Moms

Are you a multi-tasking super star mom who juggles the children, housework, a husband, and a job? If this is you, then you know what stress is all about and you still haven't had the time to learn how to relax yourself!

With the rigors of raising children, as well as the myriad of other responsibilities you've got, learning how to relax can become problematic. If this sounds familiar, then you might want to consider meditation. Discover how to use meditation to learn to relax and not lose control in the face of stress. Why not? There's nothing to lose by seeing what it's all about.

Let's first consider the situation of mothers in general.

How much time do you really have for yourself? How often have you told yourself you really need to take out time and learn how to relax yourself? Let's face it, you've probably been wanting to learn to relax for quite some time now (if not years)! Yet, the odds of you learning how to relax are slim to none if you not only have a child (or more) to look after, but probably a career as well.

If you happen to be married, then there is the extra responsibility of ensuring your husband is taken care of as well. If you are a single mother, then you've got the whole load of responsibility to yourself. Either way, for mothers, any combination of these facts can be an everyday reality. One fact remains the same; you've got little time for yourself, little time to learn how to relax yourself, and a mounting level of stress as each day passes.

What can you do about it?

Learn how to do meditation! Meditation can help you reduce the stress that you've got to deal with daily and produce a much healthier lifestyle; both for yourself and at the same time, your family
By Sonia Gallagher

Get your Free Copy of the 5 Day Meditation Course for Super Moms, you more than deserve it!

Sonia Gallagher is a recovering attorney who now shares the benefits of meditation, meditation techniques, and ways to implement meditation in daily life in an easy to understand, "plain English" manner for other overworked and stressed parents, professionals, and college students.

She created the Free 5 Day Meditation Guide for Super Moms. The Free Guide includes information on the benefits you will gain from meditating, how to go about getting started, and even two free guided meditation techniques to get started easily!

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Learning Meditation - It's Easier Than You Think

By Trevor Johnson

Although meditation has been around for thousands of years, until recently it seemed like something that was strictly a spiritual pursuit. Now, so many medical professionals believe in the benefits, many more people are thinking of learning meditation. For better health, and especially to relieve stress, it is a great practice to begin.

How does meditation help? There are many studies that show when you meditate, everything slows down: your breathing, your racing mind, your nervous system. It allows both your body and mind to relax just by quieting yourself and breathing properly.

Once you have decided learning meditation is for you, where do you start? Just a little bit of searching will yield hundreds of forms of meditation, and many different ways you can learn. Do not get overwhelmed by the choices. You can start out very simply.

A very simple way to start meditating is by breathing, something you were doing anyway. In this case, you want to try breathing slowly and deeply but naturally. Try to imagine that you are breathing into your stomach rather than your lungs. Every time you breathe in and out, count one. When you reach ten, just start all over again.

Most meditation forms will talk about needing to empty your mind. For most of us, this is easier said than done. In this form, your mind is busy counting breaths but not so busy that it can not relax. And your nervous system will start relaxing simply by breathing this way.

Anytime you want to change your habits, it is easier said than done. So do not try to put in an hour a day learning meditation right from the start. First, find a time and place when you will not be disturbed and then begin with a small amount of time. You can work up to more if you like but try to get the consistent habit first. And do not worry if you find even a few minutes difficult at first. Over time, and with consistent practice, the difficulty will start to fade away and the effects on your health and well being will come even faster.

To check out probably the easiest way of learning meditation just click here.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

15 ways to be a better mom

Rupal Patel

It goes without saying that mothers have an important role to play in their children's lives. Here are a few tips on how you can be a better parent to your child:

1. Respect and value your child

Always respect your children -- respect and listen to their views and values, their opinions. Give them your complete attention when they want to talk to you. Put whatever activity you are engaged in on hold, and if that's not possible, set a time for when you can chat, and make sure to stick to it.

Encourage your children every opportunity you get. Make them feel special and express your love for them often. Hug them, kiss them and say 'I love you' everyday, not just when they are young but also as they grow older. Let them feel your love and affection as often as you can.

2. Talk to your kids

Conversing with children is the best way to influence their ability and love for learning. Children who are spoken to often as infants will understand more words when they are toddlers and pre-schoolers than others. Communication also strengthens the mother-child bond and eases out the communication barriers, even as kids grow older.

3. Have fun with them

Mothers are so busy with their day-to-day routines that they forget to have fun with their children. Take out one-on-one time to enjoy with your child. Do something that both of you like -- indulge in outdoor games, art and craft, board games, go for a walk, chat, cook -- do anything at all that makes you feel good. Laugh together, tickle each other, dance, sing songs, just have FUN!

4. Read to your little ones

Reading to your children is the best way to inculcate a reading habit in them, which leads to a love of learning as they grow older. Reading also creates an emotional bond between parent and the child, whether it's lap-time reading, bedtime reading or any other way of doing it that you both enjoy. Moreover, it develops their imagination, creativity, vocabulary and communication skills.

12 ways to be a better dad
5. Keep your children safe

All parents want to keep their kids safe. Remember to take the necessary precautions, whether it is making them sit in the backseat of the car while driving, or making sure that there is someone responsible with them at all times. Make sure your home is childproof, with electrical outlets out of reach, furniture edges rounded off, glass items out of the way etc.

6. Teach your children values

Make sure to impart good values to your kids -- it's the best gift you'll ever give them. Values are the foundation of a child's character. Teach your children values through everyday interactions, stories and by the way you conduct yourself. While story-telling, however, make sure you don't connect the story to the child. If, for example, you want to teach your little one about honesty, tell him/ her interesting stories related to it. Do not say, "You should behave in the same manner as so-and-so did and always tell the truth" -- the message will not sink in. To a youngster, this feels like nagging and moralising, which will go in one ear and out the other.

7. Be a good role model

Remember that your kids are watching you all the time and want to ape you in every possible way. Even very young children take in and listen to everything their parents say and do, so remain aware of your actions and behaviour around them. For example, if you talk rudely to the domestic help, you will not be very successful in teaching your children the value of politeness. Model the behaviour that you want them to develop.

8. Keep your kids healthy, but allow them their personal likes and dislikes when it comes to food

Provide nutritious meals for your children, but allow them to make their own choices about what they like or don't like. As long as you are providing them with nutritious options and not junk food, they will almost always make the right choices. With young children, try and be creative with their meals, so that it's fun for them. If, for instance, there is cooked vegetable and chapattis for dinner, fold some cooked veggies into each chapatti so that the kids can enjoy it as a roll.

9. Set rules and limits

A good mother is firm and flexible. Don't leave discipline only to a child's father. Set reasonable rules and limits and discuss them with your kids beforehand. Follow through with the consequences whenever applicable. However, there are times when you have to be flexible and ease the rules; times when youngsters are tired, sleepy, hungry or not well.

What every single mom must know
10. Be just and fair

Treat all your children in the same manner. However, don't try to be overly fair, as it will get in the way -- for example, if you are out shopping and spot a book that one of your kids needs for a reference project, you do not necessarily have to buy something for the other child. Similarly, bring the other child what he/ she requires when it's needed. As long as you are providing for both of them equally, they will understand and not make an issue. When you try to be overly fair, children tend to find faults with every little thing you do.

11. Don't interfere in your children's fights unless it's necessary

Allow your kids to settle issues on their own. As long as there is no bullying or physical violence, do not get involved in their fights. When you try to resolve their disputes, you will be required to take sides and this will not go down well with one of them. It is better to allow children to handle their own problems as far as possible. If they are not able to do it, or you feel like the situation is getting to you, ask them to play separately till they are able to be civil to each other and find a solution. You will be doing them a favour by teaching them the values of co-operation, problem-solving and compromise in the process.

12. Honour their father

One of the best things a mother can do is honour her children's father in front of them. Even if you are separated or divorced, never speak ill about your spouse in front of your children. Talk about him with respect and teach your children to respect him too.

13. Get the kids to interact with extended family

Get your children to bond with extended family -- uncles, aunts, cousins. Make an effort so that they interact with both the maternal and paternal sides. Even if you don't get along with your in-laws, teach your children to respect their grandparents. They will hold you in higher esteem for doing that.

14. Keep your self-respect intact

Always expect to be treated with respect by others in the presence of your kids and by your kids themselves. Do not allow anyone to cross a line. Maintain your dignity under all circumstances; be honest and keep your integrity intact always.

15. Take care of yourself

Sleep well and take out time for yourself. Keep yourself in good health. Remember, a happy, relaxed mother can give more of herself to her children and family than an overworked, tense parent.

Forgiveness is the answer to the child's dream of a miracle by which what is broken is made whole again, what is soiled is made clean again.

Dag Hammarskjold

Women, Power, Abusive Relationships and Manipulation

When you feel empowered, you are centered, think clearly and make wise decisions. You are connected to your core strength and face the world with confidence.

But some will try to knock you off-center, so that you are no longer able to tap into your core. If they are successful, you will feel panicked, unable to think clearly, or misplaced guilt. It will be difficult to assert yourself and you may find yourself engaging in unwarranted second-guessing or self-blame.

When this happens, step back, look to the person or situation evoking these reactions and ask why does he want me to feel so weak?

Chances are, that person WANTS you to feel that way. They want to disable your ability to think rationally and act effectively.

If they are able to knock you off-center, they can get something from you that you would not agree to if you were able to function normally.

Consider your inability to function properly as a warning that you are being manipulated into an action that works against your self-interest or even your safety. You are on the wrong end of a power play.

Ask yourself, "Why am I feeling this way?" "Is it because he WANTS me to feel off-balanced?" and "what does he/they have to gain?"

Power plays and manipulative tactics are common strategies employed by abusers is to isolate the woman from people who support her and then undermine her confidence so she is no longer able to think and act effectively. At that point she is no longer in control of her life.

Using manipulation and other psychological tactics to control another is not limited to perpetrators of domestic violence. A fast talking mortgage broker who makes you feel beholden to sign on the dotted line before you can properly analyze the deal is also engaging in a power play.

But a young woman on a date who is clearly feeling uncomfortable, but unable to assert her desire to leave may be on the receiving end of a power play.

If you find yourself thrown off center, reach out to trusted friends, family, and advisors with whom you can describe your situation. You will receive support to help you take back your personal power.

Psychological manipulation is a tactic used by those who seek to control you and do you harm. Recognizing it for what it, is the first step in defending yourself.

Would you like to learn other easy-to-use and effective women's self defense strategies? Visit for my free report What Your Attackers Don't Want You to Know

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Living With MS - A Busy Mom's Story

In October of 2006 I was diagnosed with MS. Not that it was any surprise. I had been having symptoms for several years, the 'flipper' foot, the fatigue, unexplained illnesses. It is still hard for people to believe that I have it because I look so healthy. I do not have the gross motor problem that many have with MS. My symptoms are invisible.

My symptoms go absolutely unnoticed by most. Most, except for my family.

In 2005 my husband and I adopted 6 and 8 year old girls from Ukraine.

That same year is when my MS symptoms began to escalate. I was working full time and trying to get to know 2 daughters that did not speak my language. I am sure the stress did not help my symptoms at all. I began to spend weekends in bed, leaving parenthood and housecare to my husband. He is a saint! He did it all without complaining!

I had constant pain in my right side. Numbness, tingling, feeling like I was constantly being 'bit' by some bug. I was also exhausted. I am not talking about tired, or 'Gosh, I need a vacation,' kind of tired. I mean the 'can't get out of bed if the house was on fire,' exhausted! I could barely move from the pain and exhaustion. While I was in bed, my family carried on...without me. Not what I had in mind for family life.

I knew that I had to do something...ANYTHING to get back into family life.

I tried lotions, potions, this vitamin, that vitamin, massage, acupuncture, meditation, oh, I could go on. Then came the day that I realized I could not function at work and function at home. Something had to give. I made a very painful decision to stop teaching. Painful because I LOVE to teach. It has always been my passion. I taught middle school Social Studies. To me, it was the perfect job. I loved the subject I taught and I love middle schoolers. (I have a middle schooler at home now....WAAAAAY different! I can control 30 adolescents in a classroom, but ONE at home???)

So, here I was at home now....resting (good), relaxing (good), bored (bad).

I wanted to go out and talk to people, get out in the sunshine! The only problem was, I was still very tired and still had quite a bit of pain, although not quite the intensity of when I was working. I decided I needed a job. But what kind? How was I going to keep a job when I was not able to leave the house most days. Ah! There's an idea! Work at home! Work when I want to, crawl in bed when I need to! SO began the journey into an online business. I miss teaching but I am enjoying this new chapter in my life.

While working from home, I began to research alternative therapies for MS. One of the alternatives that I have found is called E.F.T or Emotional Freedom Technique ( aka 'tapping.' ) You can find their home page at I am not affiliated with them in any way, but I do find some relief in this technique. To any skeptics out there about alternative therapies, try being at the end of your rope with absolutely no relief, you will try anything! I am trying things that I would have scoffed at a couple of years ago. Open minds are sometimes created from need!

Cathy Roll is the author of the "Living on Half" Blog. In her blog she gives tips, advice, resources on living on half of your current income, either by force or choice. Learn how to repair just about anything in your house instead of calling expensive repair companies. How to get the most bang for your buck on many items and how to make extra money on the internet. Join Cathy as she takes you on her journey from rags to riches and back through the cycle again. See her blog at

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Help For Single Mothers - Are You Living in Your Single Mom Power?

There's an easy way to tell if you're living in your power...

Here's what it feels like when you are in your Power...

You Are...

*At Peace In Every Area Of Your Life...

*You Finally Overcome Your Fears...

*You Understand You are Worthy Of All Good Things...

*You Know How To Use Energy To Create The Life You Want...

*You Get Big Results With Little Effort...

Being in your power is really about discovering the Power that's already inside you; the Power you were born with.

As women and single moms, we feel powerful because we do so much. However, that's not real power. Real power is more about being than doing.

Real power is a state of being and a state of mind. It's being at peace, not being fearful, knowing you are worthy. It's being able to create the exact life you want with little effort...

It's about handling life's challenges with grace. It's about stressing less and knowing no matter what you will be ok.

It's about being confident in your decisions because you trust yourself.

It's real and lasting. It does not depend on having a relationship, having an impressive job title, having an expensive car or anything outside of yourself. It comes from you because it's always been within you and will always be with you.

And, the best news is that it's already inside you, waiting to be uncovered!

To me, being in your power is important especially for single moms. Because as single moms, we have an incredible amount of responsibility on your shoulders. We have the task of teaching our kids, the next generation, what to expect from life.

We need to make a decision. Do we want them to learn from us that life is a struggle and hard? Or do we want them to learn that life is joyful, fun and full of miracles? Make your choice now, and start living it.

If we want our kids to learn that life is joyful and abundant and full of all good things, then we have to model power, grace, peace, balance, abundance and joy.

What can you do to start today? The first thing is to pause. Take some time to really think about what you want to teach your kids. Think about the life you WANT to live. Make the decision today to start leading your life instead of living it on accident.

Make the decision to start living in your Power.

Brenda Solano has been a single mom for five years and is the mother of three boys. She founded Single Mom Tribe to uplift, empower and inspire single moms. She also teaches single moms how to uncover their power so they can live the stress-free and balanced life they deserve.

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Obama's College Scholarships For Single Working Moms

Just a few months back, President Barack Obama took office at a very difficult point in time as he faced considerable hardships and needed to make prudent decisions, which would not only affect his place in history as the first black President, but he had to make decisions in which he and his administration had to face severe mortgage crisis, financial turmoil, debts and an ever increasing loss of jobs in the country.

Today, President Obama has proved the entire world that not all politicians speak of long-term beneficial plans for the community and the people electing them, only to do nothing. The new program inaugurated by the Obama administration, which offers up to $10,000 annual scholarship and grants for single andor working mothers, is one great way to root out a problem at its core. Not only will this program positively affect American mothers, but their family and children who will also be able to have a chance at a better living standard with better education, thus enabling them to become more resourceful in their own lives.

The program has far reaching consequences as the span of this program is reaching out to millions of American women and their children, thus building a better and stronger nation with a much higher literacy rate and a higher living standard for many women who did not have this chance previously.

And to free all the aspiring mothers from any loan repayment burden, the President has kept the scholarship amount completely interest-free and it doesn't need to be paid back.

Did you know you can get a $10,000 scholarship for Moms just for registering? Apply right now for free: Scholarships for Moms

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How Single Moms Make a Living From the Comfort of Their Home

Making a living from the comfort of your home can only be achieved through seriousness and hard work. There are quiet some pretty jobs that single moms can do from the comfort of their home which are; Freelancing, internet marketing, surveys and so many others that are too numerous for me to mention. There are so many wide varieties of money making opportunities on the Internet that any mom can fit in. Here, I will like to talk about a few of them.

Surveys: this is a good business, which single moms can do. It does not require skills. There are thousands of survey sites on the Internet. Most of which offer a pretty and appealing pay off to its registered members. The only thing you are required to do is to always check your email box to see the jobs that have been sent to you and treat them as required. There are reputable survey companies that pay well. Though, it is not a fully guaranteed time wage but you could make a little extra spending money.

Don't just jump into survey companies and pay money or invest money. Test the online survey business with free survey companies to see if it is a lucrative online business to go about. Another one is mystery shopping. You will get paid when you take your spouse out to a free lunch or dinner. You will not get rich with this type of business, but it is a lot of fun.

Freelancing: this type of work is the best for stay at home moms because of its flexibility. There are a lot of jobs that you can take to earn good income that you will use to support your family. Freelancing will help further reduce the financial strain of your family.

Does your JOB let you work in your underwear? Mine does, let me show you how you can make an extra $3,905 every month like clockwork for FREE from the comfort of your home utilizing a secret Single Mom's Make a Living marketing strategy from the Creator of

Sammy Zoom is an internet entrepreneur who is revolutionizing the way most people make money today. He teaches simple techniques that anyone can use to put extra cash in their pockets from their homes.

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College Grants For Single Moms - Stop Working For Nothing and Make Your Life Better

So the economy is crappy. You are barely getting by with your minimum or barely above that job and you are sick and tired of living this way and always telling your kids how you do not have enough money to take them places or buy them things. A lot of Americans feel this way and college grants for single moms are helping change lives.

Getting up everyday to go to work at a job you hate plus pays you next to nothing is probably not what you dreamed about when you were a little girl. Most of us wanted to have more when we grew up than what we had when we were young and promised ourselves we could have comfortable life when we got older. But then life got in the way or we failed to properly plan and set goals, or whatever the reason is, we just do not have the life we wanted to have. But its not too late. With the college grants for single moms you can go back to school and get trained in a career that afford you a comfortable living.

Even though it may sound difficult to go back to school, you do have options. Now you can take courses online, which will save you a lot of time on commuting and money in childcare. You also now have the advantage of checking out many colleges, their programs, and their cost online. Some schools are even offering special programs for single parents which allow you to to become involved in a group of people just like you, all helping each other out with babysitting, meal preparations, and living expenses. College grants for single moms are providing many moms with a way out of poverty and into a better financial life.

You can find out more information on college grants for single moms plus be entered in a 10,000 scholarship give away just for entering.

Don't forget to check out the scholarship link while you are there. It is free and will show you scholarships available in your area.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Have the courage to live, anyone can die!!!

Online Job as an Affiliate Marketer

Tycoon Cashflow
Many people don’t know that it’s possible to make a living online, or at least a good extra income. Most think you have to have to go to college and have a great job to make a lot of money these days. Well if you think that way, I’m about to really surprise you, and show you exactly how you can make a lot of money online starting now!

Don’t worry it’s not a scam, pyramid scheme, or any of that fluff. I know, when I first heard about making money online that was the first thing that came to my head too. But when I started collecting checks every month, my whole theory changed!

So enough of all that, I’m actually going to show you how to start making money online now! What I want you to do first is go to a website called ClickBank and sign up (it’s free). What they do is manage a bunch of different products that you can promote for a commission. All you need to do is send traffic (people) to that product page, and if they buy, you make your commission. The correct term for it is, becoming an affiliate. Here’s a quick example to clear your up your confusion. Lets say one of the products is selling for $100 and you get a 50% commission. Every time you make a sale, you’ll obviously make $50. So if you get 10 people to buy it, you’ll get a check for $500! See what I mean, it’s possible to do and extremely easy!

Once you’ve signed up in ClickBank, the next important thing to know is obviously picking a good product to promote. Now this is where a bunch of affiliates fail to be successful online. But right now I’m going to tell you a quick tip that helped me become extremely successful, very quickly. Under each product in the “Marketplace” of ClickBank, there’s something called “grav”, what it means is Gravity. What that tells you is if the product is selling well. You always want to pick a product that is over 50 gravity. If the product isn’t over that, don’t go for it! Once you know that, you’ll be able to successfully sell products on ClickBank. The reason you want the Gravity to be high is because that tells you that other affiliates are successfully selling it. Let me tell you a quick secret that most people don’t know about Gravity. The number of Gravity actually means how many affiliates that product has! For example, if the gravity is 75, that means 75 different affiliates are selling the product at that time… Easy enough right?

So now that you have that down, go make some money online! It’s seriously not as hard as most people think, especially when you have the right people teaching you. That’s how I became successful online, just happened to be around the right teachers at the right time!

If you want to find out more about how you can become successful online through affiliate marketing, and also find out WHERE to promote, check out my free 7-day Bootcamp! I actually explain to you in detail how I did it, and how you can “actually” use the exact steps I did. It’s worth it, and it’s free, how could you say no!

Check it out here:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Reality Creation Secrets - Law Of Attraction.

Most Powerful Knowledge in the world about how to create the perfect reality you desire and Manifest Super Riches, Total Freedom and Extreme Happiness! Tap Into The Ultimate Power of The Universe To Create The Perfect Reality You Desire!

Click Here!

Law of Attraction - 7 Easy Steps to Make it Work Every Time

How do you make the Law of Attraction work every time? Get your conscious and unconscious thoughts on the same playing field. Get them playing with each other to create in harmony instead of conflict with each other. Where our conscious and unconscious thoughts butt heads is where the Law of Attraction fails.

The greatest secret is not that we create with our thoughts but rather our thoughts create from two places in our mind: the conscious and unconscious. Many say that we only use 10% of our total mind consciously in any moment. This means 90% of our mind is being driven from our unconscious.

When we are aware of the decisions we make in each moment we are making conscious choices. When our choices are unconscious, they are decided possibly in contradiction to what we really desire. This is how unwanted habits or manifestations can control us.

A prime example is in the case of addiction. Addiction is an attachment to something unconscious that we don't want to participate with consciously. We say that we are addicted but what we are really saying is we feel out of control. We are always in control. The things we create, we genuinely want or desire on some level. Unconscious thinking might manifest as something which is contradictory to our conscious desires.. This is the inner struggle humanity has experienced for millennia.

The secret to making the Law of Attraction work every time for everyone, is to discover one's unconscious thinking in relation to what one desires to create consciously. If the unconscious thinking is in opposition to one's desires, amend the counterproductive thinking into something that will align with one's conscious desires.

Seven Steps to Making the Law of Attraction Work Every Time

1. Awareness: Be aware of what you are creating.

2. Breathe: Breathe in deeply to connect to what you are creating and on the exhale expand to create more room for the connection. Surrender to what you are currently creating. Let go.

3. Responsibility: Take responsibility for what you are creating. Own it. Use the verbiage 'I want to experience (place here what you are experiencing)' because on some level you do want to experience it or you wouldn't be experiencing it.

4. Acceptance: Drop judgment of what you are creating to realize it is simply a creation. Discharge the energy or judgment typically associated with things that you don't want. These unwanted things have been called negative, wrong or bad.

5. Unconscious: Now that you are aware of what you do want consciously, become aware of any unconscious thoughts creating against what you want consciously. Go through the first four steps with each unconscious thought that is hidden and in conflict with your conscious desires.

6. Peace: Make peace with the inner conflict about the situation. Bring both sides of your thinking together. Harmonize your conscious and unconscious thinking. Let them both speak and feel. Indeed two parts of you can be in disagreement with each other. Come to a place of being okay with each of them and feel the resulting peace.

7. Recreate: With awareness, acceptance and peace brought to all parts of you regarding a situation, you have the power to recreate the circumstance and with a higher probability of long-lasting success.

Congratulations on creating the life you truly deserve with more serenity and success than ever before. The seven steps to making the Law of Attraction work every time is applicable with every situation. You are truly the master of this creation!

Written by Jason Nelson, Spiritual Coach, Guide, and Author
Find out how to make the most of the Law of Attraction at Watch your life transform as you discover spiritual healing and growth!

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Getting rid of nasty cellulite at home

If you thought about getting laser treatment for cellulite, as expensive as it is, I would definatly try this first, its a natural at home routine that gets rid of cellulite, you just have to know how to do it. It works amazing and tones you up as well. It does take away all your cellulite that you have now, so if you gain lots of weight and get more cellulite, you would probably have to do this excersize agian for a while. But its magnificant at making you your skin smooth and toned even if your not super thin you are still toned up and tight. Even your face changes and tightens up a bit, pretty cool and worth a try especially if your planning on something like laser treatment.

Click Here!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Moms in need of help?

What is the biggest things that moms can benefit from right now? Is it babysitting, having time to themselfs, free things, information, being able to work from home, communicating and meeting with other moms? Anyone?

Wealth and the Law of Attraction

Consistency is of utmost importance when trying to attract wealth. The more of your time you can spend feeling wealthy, the better the law of attraction will work for you. Try setting aside some time every day, a few times a day to think on your desired financial situation. If you are on your way somewhere in your car, try turning off the radio and imagining for a few miles that all of your bills are paid, you are debt free and that you always have more money than you need. Feel that these things are true with an upbeat matter-of-fact attitude. It's important to remember that you can't just try this. You have to live it. When you hear people say "I tried that law of attraction thing and it didn't work for me", they have just told you why it didn't work for them. They just tried it.

You can't just try losing weight. You have to be committed and the same thing is true for the law of attraction. The longer you are mindful of it the better the results will be as you affirmations become deeper and deeper embedded in your subconscious mind. A prolonged feeling of wealth will always produce wealth just as an extended feeling of poverty produces poverty. It can't work any other way.

Here are a few thoughts to dwell on and affirm while trying to attract wealth:

* I'm always getting cash and checks from unexpected sources.
* Money is always flowing freely in my life allowing me to have more than I need.
* I always have money way ahead of time to pay bills.
* Prosperity and amazing luck follows me wherever I go.

It helps to use your imagination to create incidents and circumstances to back up your affirmations. Imagine (create mentally if you have to) a time in the past when you received an unexpected windfall to back up the affirmation "I'm always getting cash and checks from unexpected sources. If you have actually had an unexpected windfall, even better. Meditate on it and treat it as though it is commonplace in your life.

Keep in mind that even though setting aside time for meditation is wonderful, you can practice a wealthy state of time anytime, anywhere. Whether you are standing in line at the supermarket or waiting for the light to change at an intersection, you can shift your thoughts to a positive, prosperous state of mind.

Visit for more great information on the law of attraction.

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Hey guys, has anyone discovered any good, honest online jobs? I would like to find out more info on this.