Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Understand the Benefits of Working From Home

There is a great deal of hype surrounding the controversial idea of starting a work-from-home business. But the fact is, whether you want to sell things on eBay or if you're toying around with the idea of purchasing a turnkey business, there are plenty of benefits that can make the entire aspect of working from your home all the more appealing.

The first picture you are likely to summon into your head is one that involves you huddled behind your computer in your house robe and slippers, nursing a never-ending cup of coffee. This vision, however, is merely scratching the proverbial surface of the benefits that can be had from being a work-from-homer.

Take into consideration the financial perks that you can reap. By cutting out the need to commute from home to the office, you will ultimately save a great deal on your gas purchases, but that isn't all! The less often you use your car, the less mileage you're putting on the engine; in turn, this means that you won't have to fork out for costly maintenance as often.

What about lunches? Say you usually eat lunch at a relatively cheap restaurant such as McDonald's or Burger King. A meal would run you around $4, right? Multiply that over five days a week and you've spent a total of $20 on food-and that's not including breakfast or dinner! Even if you take a pack lunch, you have to factor in the costs of the food, sandwich bags or aluminium foil (if you use them), drinks, etc. You can see how these costs add up over time. Of course you'll still eat at home, but you're more likely to cook a proper meal or turn to leftovers, rather than hunt for a convenient eatery or purchase all of the good necessary for a sack lunch.

Let's move on to taxes. When you start working from home, the government is willing to offer a certain amount of leniency toward you. For instance, say you convert a bedroom into a full-fledged office. You only use this room for work purposes and get a second phone line there solely for work use. As this room is now part of your "business" (which it will be, unless you're telecommuting as an employee for a company), you can get tax exemptions for part of your rent/mortgage and the cost for the second phone line. The tricky part, really, is that you have to figure up the percentage of your bills that your "office" truly uses. If you have a CPA or other qualified individual file your taxes for you, they can help you crunch the numbers correctly. This can apply to most genuine expenditures that you use for work, such as the Internet, electricity, and buying a computer, fax machine, or printer for sole work use.

If you think that starting a work from home career sounds great but you aren't sure how you can do it, try doing a bit of research online. Look into turnkey opportunities or find out what items are hot among the e-market and figure out how you can provide them. There is an entire world of opportunity available online-you just have to be willing to go out and find it!

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Work-Life Balance For a Work at Home Mom

Work-life balance is something that everyone wants to achieve, whether one works at home or in the office. But people who work at home probably find it more difficult to realize this balance as the distinction between the two is elusive. When you work in the office, it is much easier to leave work at work and home stuff at home because they do not happen in the same place.

For most freelancers, the drive to become workaholic comes from the desire to earn more. I'll confess, I was guilty of this when I was just starting out. I would normally work until 3:00 in the morning. Then the following day, I would have to wake up early because my son should be in school at 9:30 A.M. I like the fact that I'm able to help pay the bills. But I like it even more that I have money for shopping. Not just for me but for my hubby and kiddo too. Along the way, I realized, it is no longer healthy. No one can keep up with the Energizer bunny, that's for sure.

Taking short breaks from your work and taking a day off or two are still important even if you work at home. During your break, leave your work space. On your "rest days", try to do something else aside from work. As one blogger puts it, get off the roller coaster ride. This will help you with your creativity, productivity and will help you stay sane too.

Do not overbook. You must learn to say no if you no longer have the bandwidth for additional projects. More projects translate to more dollars. But at the end of the day ask yourself, are you willing to sacrifice your health and your family over more moolah?

Share the load on household chores. As a mom, you do not have to do everything. You are only stressing yourself too much by doing all the work. Talk to your significant other or your kid who can already help you do some chores. Better yet, hire a household help, someone who can help you with the chores on a regular basis. This way, you are able to do your work and you still have time to enjoy with the family.

Having work-life balance is not an easy task especially for a work at home mom. But with planning, time management, and help from your family, everything is manageable.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Why People Fail on Online Home Business

Running your own business from the comfort of your home is a fascination for many people. The important motivation behind this thought is the financial freedom which it offers. They will start off with so much enthusiasm and will do lot of things initially to start a website of your own. But after some time, the enthusiasm wears off when the reality strike in. Then they come back and say it to themselves; Home business is not meant for me or making money online is a wild imagination.
If we look at the statistics of the new home business websites there are only 2% which succeeds and the rest of them falls flat. What is the reason for this? If you can pay attention to the below points you can make sure that you reach that success level.
What is the vision of your Home business? Have you done an analysis of your skill levels, knowledge and the things required for you to start your own website? If you do not have these currently, how you are planning to acquire the same? Make sure to have the answers for this and have that vision and your plans written down.

Are you really passionate about your home business? It will affect your work schedule if you are not passionate about what you are doing. Over a period of time the lack of interest and the mental block will pull you away from achieving success.
Are you dedicated to your home business? It is very easy to get distracted when you are working from your home. If possible, try to have a room dedicated for your work activities. It is better to let your family members know about your working hours and should not be disturbed. Also stay away from the online distractions like emails, games, chat etc as this can eat up your working hours.
Many people try to jump from one method to another method without giving enough effort to see if that yields any results. There is nothing called a Get Rich quick program. If you analyze the successful people, you can easily spot that these people have put enough consistent effort before they can achieve success. You have to have the patience and consistency pays big time in the long run.

Gloria John is an independent author and writing articles for quite some time. Checkout her latest website / which features a wide variety choice of Toddler Rain Boots
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Coping With Stress When Working From Home

Stress is anything that disturbs your healthy mental or physical well being. No prospects for the future? Reached the end of the line? Facing a blank wall is the worst of all placements for your desk because you may feel as if things are going on behind your back. If this is the case and it is impossible to turn your desk around, then hang a mirror so that you can see what goes on behind your back. Many computer workers face a blank wall so that the wires from the machines can be hidden. Even exposed wires are better than facing a blank wall.
No doubt you've heard about type A personalities - they often court stress and may be addicted to it. Stress can give a feeling of confidence and elation that Type A people thrive on. Other aspects of your personality will also have an impact on your stress levels. Neediness is one cause. This is something telecommuters should be particularly aware of.
Stress is influenced by a number of factors. A looming deadline, a vague manager, or a constantly ringing phone all contribute. As a telecommuter, you may suddenly find yourself out of the loop and this lack of face to face communication may breed stress.
Your surroundings can be another source of stress. Constant loud or abrasive noises can be distracting - the whir of your computer or a buzzing overhead light can increase stress levels.
· Turn down the ringer on your fax machine
· Lower the volume on your phone
· Set up an office that operates smoothly - one with a sufficiently large trash can, a place for incoming faxes and room to store supplies.
When you're put in a threatening situation, you get what experts refer to as survival stress. Although we tend to think of survival in terms of extreme cases - you see a truck bearing down on you - we may experience this type of stress for more moderate reasons. In survival stress, your body is going through physical changes caused by the release of adrenaline. Blood flow to your skin and certain other organs is reduced in order to prevent injury when you are hurt and to increase energy. You soon feel exhausted.
Diet also has an impact on stress. Sugars give a quick burst of energy but just as quickly make you sleepy.
Developing checklists for your business will go a long way in reducing stress. You can store the checklists on your computer and print them out as needed. Once you start making checklists, you will wonder how you ever lived without them.
Start organizing now. What better time to start than now? It will be worth the effort.
Internet entrepreneur Sandy Klocinski wants everyone to know they don't have to be a genius to make money with an online business. That's why she launched While it's a tongue-in-cheek website name, the information on the site is serious business. The site includes the top money-making Internet-based businesses now available---all which come with free website setup
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3 Ways to Keep Your Chin Up in Hard Times

Right now in the United States and many other countries of the world business is difficult. The economy has people hurting. People have lost their homes or are in jeopardy of doing so. Many people have been laid off their jobs, downsized, had their paychecks cut or fear any of those happening. Many people expect that they won't see any raises or bonuses this year. Consumers are cutting back on spending which in turn is hurting businesses that sell consumer goods. If sales get too slow, then those businesses may have to lay off workers, scale's a difficult picture.

So what can you do to keep your chin up? What if you have a small home-based business and you are dependent upon customers buying your products? What if you've lost some customers because they've tightened their belts? When times are hard, they are hard for everyone.

Keep your chin up by:

- Being grateful every day for what you do have. This sounds like a cliche, but the very act of acknowledging gratefulness can put you in a positive frame of mind. It can be difficult to put this gratefulness-thing into practice. You might have to look into your life and be grateful for the little things...but do look because they are there. You could be a single mother of two little girls and have a low-paying job, no health insurance and daycare costs that take over 1/3 of the monthly salary. You might even have to go to a food bank just to have Thanksgiving dinner. However, the gratefulness "thing" you can still have, even in such a dire situation, is to be blessed to be mom to two beautiful little girls. [As author of this article, I don't just give this as a made-up example, I lived it years ago.]

- Do your very best work. There are days when it seems pointless to care about doing a good job....days when you feel you just can't smile at one more customer who ends up just browsing and not buying; or you hear one more customer service complaint; or you read the memo that says paychecks will be cut by 5%. You can feel as though what's the use of trying? Who cares?

Its times like these when personal integrity ought to come to the forefront and you dig deep and do your very best work because that is what you do. Even if you are the only person who cares, your opinion about it matters to you. Hard times do not last forever. However, bad impressions can. Do your very best now, during the hard times, and they will be remembered when times are good.

- Smile. This one thing, one action, can have remarkable effect. Smiles are contagious. Smiles make people who receive them feel validated. Smiles - truly sincere and spontaneous - can lift another's spirits and change moods. What if you were to smile and add polite conventions to it like saying "please" and "thank you?" As practice, get into a habit of always thanking a waitperson for whatever they do when you're at a restaurant - thank them for bringing your beverage and thank them every time they refill the glass. Smile and try to use their name if they've given it and/or you see it written on their name tag. Not only will it make their day better, it'll improve your own. Smile even when you feel you don't have anything to smile about.

Being grateful for something everyday, doing your very best work every day and smiling can help you to keep your chin up during hard times.

Linda C. Smith, author and owner of a home-based business. I write a business blog at where you can also find links to my business. My joy in business is sharing my passion for my products as well as showing others how they can enjoy the benefits of a home business.

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People Helping People - Moms Can Work at Home to Realize Dreams

As a mom you probably have to juggle between staying home with your children and contributing to your household income. You're not alone. Many moms leave their children with a babysitter while working a 9 to 5 job, only to come home to more chores such as helping with homework, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, ironing, etc. This is why many moms choose a work at home career - to help balance these tasks while earning an income for their family's financial needs.

If you're a mom struggling with the job-kids-family dilemma, perhaps a work at home career is just what you need. People helping people with WAHM careers can give you a running start while avoiding many of the pitfalls of a work at home business. Gather online business ideas from other moms who have gone before you. See what works for them...and what doesn't work. Find out what other moms are doing to promote their business while tending to their children and family needs. The Web makes learning easy, and you can study moneymaking techniques any time day or night.

If you normally work days, get up an hour or two earlier than usual to study online business models and find ideas. Once you have some ideas, start building your business. Find other moms to network with as you learn. You might even join a "people helping people" business opportunity for moms that offers a pre-conceived business model, products or services to sell, and your own website in one package. This can save you time and money while helping you get started with a work at home business right away.

Busy Mom Solutions

Start a work at home business you can depend on financially and time wise. Avoid those businesses that require attention 24/7. There are many time-consuming ventures on the Web that will drain your energy day in and day out. Then there are those automated businesses that pretty much run themselves once you have a business model in place. Look for business opportunities selling e-books on your favorite subject or offering a Web course on a subject of interest. You can promote your e-book or Web course through an online newsletter, pay-per-click search engines, and online content writing.

The great thing about the Web is you can pick and choose among thousands of topics from sewing to cooking to child rearing. Scrapbooking is popular with work at home moms as well as recipes and home projects. Gardening, home decor, home cleaning, coupon shopping, kids' sports and baby tips are also popular subjects if you want to help other moms. As you learn about your topic, you'll be able to enjoy a "people helping people" opportunity to help other moms succeed at home too. You might add to your income opportunity by writing an e-book about how moms can make money from home.

Get the Kids Involved

The "people helping people" mentality can also be implemented in your home if your kids are old enough. Your kids might be able to help with your business. If you sell a product, they can help with the packaging and shipping process. If you shop at thrift stores for items to sell through an online auction, take the kids along to help you find gems in the rough! If you offer recipes or sewing tips, get your kids involved in new projects to try at home. Getting the kids involved will eliminate that feeling of ignoring your kids as you work at home.

Owning a home business can be deeply satisfying if you're doing something you love. Keep these tips in mind to realize your dreams today with a "people helping people" mentality. You can succeed as a work at home entrepreneur and a busy mom!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.
Learn more about People Helping People for Moms.

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