Saturday, October 31, 2009

Moms Suffer the Worst in a Recession

My Mom was a stay-at-home mom, at first. Yes, I say 'at first', because like many households we had the financial support from my father's income to support the family without her working. She did it all. Made breakfast, got us all dressed in an acceptable fashion (including dad), and off to school and work every morning. While we were gone mom cleaned the house, the yard, shopped for meals, clothing and household needs. Mom was the neighborhood liaison with all the neighbors. I don't think my dad even knew their names.

She stayed in touch with grand parents, aunts and uncles, friends and relatives on both sides of the family. She attended parents meetings at our schools, participated in school and community activities, and was active in at least two church functions each week. Upon our arrival home from school and my dad from work, we found our HOME had been cleaned and all things attended to while we were gone. Mom was still going: time for dinner, listening to each of our issues, assisting with homework, getting us all off to bed on time, then a little time with my dad to discuss his day, family issues, finances, etc. Pretty full job for anyone, Agreed?

Okay, now lets add a recession to the national economy just for fun. Unlike the State and Federal governments, as families we can't just print more money or raise taxes; we each have to cut back our spending to make ends meet. Fewer afterschool programs, sports events, dinners out, new clothes, vacations are definitely cancelled, car pooling and all around uncomfortable conditions for the whole family. Maybe dad's job is beginning to look insecure. How about our health insurance? Our second car and the boat?

As money becomes tighter and tighter Moms go back to work: a second job. Moms' work day isn't over a 5pm and she doesn't get weekends or holidays off. For those Moms that have been out of the out-of-home workforce for many years, they begin at the bottom of the pay scale, have no tenure, no retirement, and are probably a little behind the times in current technology, business dress and HR issues.So... now we have Mom working all day at her JOB... and most of the night at her HOME. Moms,God bless every one of them, will work like a rented mule for their families. Day and nite.The economy will correct itself, eventually, the family budget will probably be saved, but Mom? The family budget will NEVER survive again without Moms' second job. She has taken on a second job for the rest of her productive adult life. Sounds kinda permanent doesn't it? That's because IT IS!

Those extra dollars that Mom has been bringing to the family budget from her second job will be needed even more as children prepare for college,trade schools, weddings, adding or replacing family vehicles, home repairs, insurance, medical bills, etc.

40% of American families say that just an additional $500/month would dramatically improve their financial situation!
77% of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck.
62% of Americans will face retirement age with less than a $10,000 yearly income!

2008 sales in network marketing was $100 billion

Can you be a stay-at-home Mom and make $5000 a month? YES.
Can you manage your home based business on YOUR schedule? YES.
Can you start your home based business with minimal expense? YES.
Can you manage your business from a computer? YES.
Can you have your live back again? YES.
Can you have dreams again? YES.
You can even afford a vacation...without sleeping in the car!


Good communicators, organized, multi-tasking, financial managers, socially connected, time managers,great networkers,can clean up messes, make Boo Boos better and give a hug when needed. Moms Rock!

God Bless you Mom.

Adam Bossen is a veteran network marketer. Adam is a Management Consultant of the Magnetic Sponsoring program. His blog and FREE weekly newsletters are always packed with great income producing tips, business shortcuts and ideas. GO TO:

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