Monday, November 2, 2009

People Helping People - Moms Can Work at Home to Realize Dreams

As a mom you probably have to juggle between staying home with your children and contributing to your household income. You're not alone. Many moms leave their children with a babysitter while working a 9 to 5 job, only to come home to more chores such as helping with homework, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, ironing, etc. This is why many moms choose a work at home career - to help balance these tasks while earning an income for their family's financial needs.

If you're a mom struggling with the job-kids-family dilemma, perhaps a work at home career is just what you need. People helping people with WAHM careers can give you a running start while avoiding many of the pitfalls of a work at home business. Gather online business ideas from other moms who have gone before you. See what works for them...and what doesn't work. Find out what other moms are doing to promote their business while tending to their children and family needs. The Web makes learning easy, and you can study moneymaking techniques any time day or night.

If you normally work days, get up an hour or two earlier than usual to study online business models and find ideas. Once you have some ideas, start building your business. Find other moms to network with as you learn. You might even join a "people helping people" business opportunity for moms that offers a pre-conceived business model, products or services to sell, and your own website in one package. This can save you time and money while helping you get started with a work at home business right away.

Busy Mom Solutions

Start a work at home business you can depend on financially and time wise. Avoid those businesses that require attention 24/7. There are many time-consuming ventures on the Web that will drain your energy day in and day out. Then there are those automated businesses that pretty much run themselves once you have a business model in place. Look for business opportunities selling e-books on your favorite subject or offering a Web course on a subject of interest. You can promote your e-book or Web course through an online newsletter, pay-per-click search engines, and online content writing.

The great thing about the Web is you can pick and choose among thousands of topics from sewing to cooking to child rearing. Scrapbooking is popular with work at home moms as well as recipes and home projects. Gardening, home decor, home cleaning, coupon shopping, kids' sports and baby tips are also popular subjects if you want to help other moms. As you learn about your topic, you'll be able to enjoy a "people helping people" opportunity to help other moms succeed at home too. You might add to your income opportunity by writing an e-book about how moms can make money from home.

Get the Kids Involved

The "people helping people" mentality can also be implemented in your home if your kids are old enough. Your kids might be able to help with your business. If you sell a product, they can help with the packaging and shipping process. If you shop at thrift stores for items to sell through an online auction, take the kids along to help you find gems in the rough! If you offer recipes or sewing tips, get your kids involved in new projects to try at home. Getting the kids involved will eliminate that feeling of ignoring your kids as you work at home.

Owning a home business can be deeply satisfying if you're doing something you love. Keep these tips in mind to realize your dreams today with a "people helping people" mentality. You can succeed as a work at home entrepreneur and a busy mom!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.
Learn more about People Helping People for Moms.

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