Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Better Life - How To Create A Better Life

To have a better life you have to be proactive in everything you do. You can make goals, action plans, speak affirmations over your life, and read as many books as you like, but none of that will do you any good if you don’t actually DO something. Without action there will be no success.

A better life will come to you as soon as you begin to line your actions up with your plans. Aesop once said, ‘It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.’ Or in the case of having a better life, it’s easy to make your life look great from the outside but until you actually do the work, you will never have the life that you want.

How many books have you read, how many goals have you made, and how many affirmations have you said but still haven’t found the better life that you are looking for? Don’t get me wrong, all of those things are great and necessary but you are leaving out the key ingredient.

Think back to when you were learning to drive a car. You probably had to pass a theory test before you were ever able to drive. In theory, you knew everything there was know about how to drive a car but you never actually got behind the wheel to make it happen. Having a better life works a lot like that. You may have all the theory down but without the action to back it up you simply look like you know what you are talking about.

Don’t just talk about a better life, have a better life by doing the things necessary to get there.

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