Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's This New Core Training Everybody keeps Talking About?

Core Activated Stability Training

To activate your core by definition, from a standstill position, you need to first relax, feet shoulder width apart and your toes pointed straight forward, tilt your pelvis forward which almost automatically causes you to flex your gluts (butt), once your gluts are flexed you want to try and suck your stomach in with your chest out, and finally you want to be able to breath from this position.

That's core actvation, from here it becomes an exercise to train yourself to breath, while maintaining an active core, and once you become comfortable with breathing you can begin to strengthen and maintain your core and exercise simultaneously. People often mistake their core muscles for their abdominal muscles, this is a common misconception. To better visualize your core muscles also known as your Trans-Verse Abdominals or TVA’s, picture your spinal cord with an insulation of muscles around it, from up near your lower chest, and going down through your waistline; these are the base muscles for the human body. Whereas your “abs” in the traditional sense also called your rectus-abdominus, are only used for front to back movements, your TVA’s go front to back, side to side, and any type of rotational movement. By activating your core and being able to maintain activation while exercising. You are benefiting your body in a number of ways.


In going through daily life we all have different tendencies and habits that when done over time can gradually begin to cause imbalance in our muscle structure, which eventually will pull our bodies out of alignment. This can be anything from the way we walk or the way we sleep, to how we sit or stand, or it could be something as simple as being right or left handed. Each of these factors has a hand in the way our bodies grow and develop. With that being said we should note that we all have an optimal body alignment that can be reached, which can give us an optimal balance, and an optimal amount of body control. With these optimum levels of alignment and balance, only then can our optimum athleticism be attained.

By activating our core we are putting our bodies in alignment, we’re in perfect balance, and we can now build our bodies much more efficiently and effectively around a strong activated base. With the traditional no-functional way of weight training, aside from the specific muscle being worked, the body is generally in a relaxed or non-active position, whether it’s laid back on a bench or sitting down doing curls, tricep extensions etc. These exercises may make your muscles look good but they are being done on stable surfaces which in themselves do some of the work for you, and they do not accurately simulate real life movements.


Whereas with your core stable and activated you can do functional exercises that are more similar to our real life movements. By using an unstable surface combined with an activated core, you are now developing and strengthening you core which is initially your primary muscle you should develop. Once you have done this the rest of your muscles with fall in line and are able to develop much more efficiently around your core, giving you your optimal body control for your body.
To help you visualize this think of which sports or activities develop pound for pound the strongest athletes you would have to say martial arts, gymnastics, swimming, dancing, or even boxing, these are all athletes we know to have great control of their entire bodies.


Every one of these sports not only relies on having a strong core, but on the continual strengthening of that core. If you think of Bruce Lee in his fighting stance about to kick or something, you can see his pelvis is tilted and his core is tight. And as Bruce makes his way through his fighting scene, clearly he is outnumbered and is forced to do some unbelievable maneuvers, but the throughout you never find him out of balance or not ready for whatever comes next. This is the essence of core training.

Another factor that needs to be touched on is the idea of stretching. I’m sure we all know or have heard how important stretching is for our bodies, but I’m not sure we all realize how important our body alignment is to that. Along with the optimal athleticism, alignment, and balance we were talking about there is also an optimal amount of flexibility that can be attained as well, but with our muscle structure off that is when it can be a chore or even painful to stretch. But when we do get everything on the same page it's a beautiful thing that definitely helps us live better.

Da'anyel McKelvey
CoreStable Inc.


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