Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is Online Money Real?

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I am starting to have some serious doubts about the possibility of making real, long-term money online. I have been trying and trying to find my niche as I keep hearing about other people, some of them I know, who are doing it and who are pretty successful at it, up until this point, I have not been able to take off like I've wanted. I have always made enough to cover my losses, but when you take into account the amount of time I put in just to break even, and since we all know that time is money, it just didn't seem worth it. But here I am on here again and still trying to find out how to make this work.

As I look throught he internet to try and find a program that really works it almost feels like I'm buying a lottery ticket in that maybe I land on a credible site that really works (not likely) instead of one of the million out there that really are b.s. All the sites generally look the same with a big bold headline telling me how much I'm going to make in the first ten minutes, bright colors, a few testimonials, and a money back guarantee that is not always guaranteed.

I must say though, that as I've started to get a little more experience online and navigating through this forest of online money, it's getting a little bit easier to identify the b.s. right away. Little clues such as misspellings or grammer errors, missing or broken links, or outdated information can sometimes tip you off to phony site. These are not %100 though as there are a number of phony sites out there that do everything right but are only there to take your money.

As I'm writing this article, I can't really get to upset at all these phony sites, they are just trying to make a buck just like I am, my problem really comes in when they are dishonest on purpose, such as offering a money back guarantee that isn't there. But if you can pull of the sales pitch of a lifetime and get somebody to buy your product that basically sells them a dream of being rich, hey more power to you. I would urge all of you determined online employees out there to not get discouraged and give up, making money online is real, but sometimes you have to get out of the forest before you can see the tree's. So take a step back, gather your thoughts, and pay close attention to what these sites are really offering, and I'll see you in cyberspace. There is nothing more comfortable then working at home.


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