Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Positive Attitude in Life Will Allow You to Live Better

One of my favorite authors, William James, said, "It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which, more than anything else, will determine its successful outcome." That much I have always known to be true. To have a Positive Attitude in Life is more of a mission than something I SHOULD do to make my life better.

There have been some studies done recently about how Attitude has affected folks who have lived to be a ripe old age and the results are nothing short of amazing. A majority of the studies were done on people that it had been determined that they had realized early on that A Positive Mental Attitude was worth it over the long haul. It was not something that they "Picked up" during a bad situation, not that is a bad thing if you make that change from a negative attitude for good. It is a lot like faith, really. Once you realize the intrinsic value of what faith can do for you, you can and will have a better quality of life, I believe.

These studies were shown to clearly establish that the folks that gave themselves completely to the Attitude that no matter what, they were determined to look at the situation in a Positive manner, they, more often than not, got a successful outcome to their situation.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a "Pie in the Sky" attitude that negates serious situations, but it is a better approach to thinking than the "Nothing good ever happens to me" approach.

My grandmother had an old wooden placard than hung on her wall in her kitchen for as long as I can remember that said, "I once complained that I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet." Now the imagery to a little kid of a man with no feet was never pleasant as I remember first reading it, but the significance, in my later years, was never lost on me.

The whole act of gratitude is a vital aspect of living with a Positive mindset. You see, if there is nothing inside of you that can be grateful for any small part of your life, then maybe it isn't possible for you to have a Positive Attitude in Life. I dare not think that the case, however.

Look around you and find someone else to share yourself with and that will give you a leg up on having a Positive Attitude. If you find that "Man with no feet" and can still not think of yourself in a better light, then shame on you.

Do it for yourself. My grandmother would be proud.

DA Southern is an entrepreneur who has learned the hard way that unless you are doing something you are passionate about, you cannot begin to realize true financial riches. DA blogs about Directing Your Own Life in his blog where he likes to examine ideas that lead to living a financially free lifestyle by creating a future that you love.

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